Monday, February 1, 2010

Web Quest Instructions

Question 1: What is a Genocide? Do you think a major Genocide like the Nazis will happen again in the future? Why?

Instructions: On the homepage, you move your mouse over the cookies and find the word Genocide, when your mouse is on it, a list of things about Genocide will come out underneath it and click on "what is a Genocide?"

Question 2: Who was the museum director who received an award and why? Why do you think the museum director do that?

Instructions: On the homepage, find the featured articles and the first one should say "museum director receives an award" then, click on it. Read the second and third paragraphs.

Question 3: What is a survivor? How do you think the survivors feel when they think about the camps?

Instructions: On the homepage, move your mouse over the cookies then find the word "museum", when your mouse is on it, a list of things will come out underneath it and click on office of survivor affairs. Read the first paragraph.

Question 4: Why do you think that other countries helped the Nazis? What does the video make you feel?

Instructions: On the homepage, move your mouse over the cookies then find the word "Education", when your mouse is on it, a list of things will come out underneath it, and click on students. Next you find the 1939-1945 part and click on "persecution and murder of Jews". Than go down the page until you see a map and click on it. Watch the video.

Question 5: Why do you think before they kill a Jewish boy, they put his murdered family in front of him first?

Instructions: Repeat the steps from question 4 till the third last part, instead of clicking on "persecution and murder of Jews", click on "mobile killing squads (Einsatzgruppen). Then look at the picture at the top of the page and read the writing next to it.

Question 6: What are Killing Centers?

Instructions: Repeat the steps from question 5 till the second last step, instead of clicking on "mobile killing squads", click on "killing centers". Read first paragraph

Question 7: Why do you think the Jews brought hairbrushes with them?

Instructions: Repeat all step from question 6 till the last part, instead of reading the first paragraph, look at the picture at the top and read the text next to it.

Question 8: What's happening in DR Congo?

Instructions: On the homepage, move your mouse over the cookies, and find the word "Genocide", when your mouse is over it, a list should come out underneath it. On the list, find "who is at risk?" and click on it. Last, you click on DR Congo and read.

Question 9: When did the United states government learn about the Nazi's mass killing of Jews in Europe?

Instructions: On the homepage, move your mouse over the cookies, and find the word "research", when your mouse is over the word, a list should come out underneath it. Find "frequently asked questions" on the list. Then, find "When did the United States government learn of the Nazis' systematic attempts to kill all of European Jewry" in the about the holocaust section.

Question 10: Read the liberation of the Nazi camps and write how you feel about the Nazis and the liberation.

Instructions: Repeat the instructions from Question 4, but instead of clicking on "persecution and murder of Jews", click on Liberation. Read the whole article